Show AeroWeather Lite Version History
Version 3.10.5 (20-MAR-2025):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Improved AIRMET coverage (AL/ES/GE/GR/HU/KR/IL/QA/RS/TN/ZA) - New:
– Added user location option (My Location) for airport sun/moon widget - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., units in refueling calculator; added ‘delete’ in usergroup context menu)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2025-03-20)
Version 3.10.4 (20-FEB-2025):
– Added refueling calculator (in toolbox; req. iOS 16 or higher)
– Added new widget showing sun and moon data for any airport (req. iOS 17 or higher) - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., sun/moon information; coordinate parsing in HLA NAT tool)
– Minor bug fixing
– Revision of Chinese localization
– Database update (2025-02-20)
Version 3.10.3 (29-JAN-2025):
- Changed:
– Fixed meteogram widgets when using iOS 18.3
– Minor internal improvements
Version 3.10.2 (23-JAN-2025):
– Added NAT HLA route calculator including tracks messages from EGGX and CZQX (in toolbox; req. iOS 17 or higher)
– Added option to color wind arrow depending on wind speed (in settings > format > wind indicator) - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., included ISA deviation and rel. humidity in Calculations; MultiMETAR widget layout)
– Optimized flight rules in MOS meteograms for US airports
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., time-based background with polar nights; runway wind component unit in decoded METARs when other than kts)
– Database update (2025-01-23)
Version 3.10.1 (01-JAN-2025):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added new METAR widget with up to 4 airports (raw or decoded) in one widget (req. iOS 17 or higher) - Changed:
– Updated World Magnetic Model for period 2025-2029
– Minor user interface improvements
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-12-26)
Version 3.10 (18-DEC-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added new METAR data source SayWeather with primarily US airports - New:
– Added runway crosswind indicator in decoded (customizable in settings > format)
– Added rate of climb gradient calculator (in toolbox) - Changed:
– Watch: wind gusts in decoded list view; improved NOTAM loading & display; fixed decoded METAR/TAF bug
– Minor improvements (e.g., RVR decoding from METARs)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-12-18)
Version 3.9.3 (28-NOV-2024):
– Added volume converter to fuel calculator - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., area forecast view)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-11-28)
Version 3.9.2 (01-NOV-2024):
- Changed:
– Fixed sort issues in 3.9.1
– Database update (2024-10-31A)
Version 3.9.1 (31-OCT-2024):
– Added option to list airports with tags (DEP, ARR etc) always at top in sorted lists (in user group properties)
– Watch: added some customization for complications (in preferences) - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., additional communications types for US only)
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., decoded TAF local times in watch app)
– Database update (2024-10-31)
Version 3.9 (03-OCT-2024):
Major Update of Watch App:
– Every user group can be synced from iPhone to watch (use content menu)
– Added decoded TAF
– Added runway NOTAMs
– Simplified time control of radar images
– Simplified webcam layout
– Improved general layout and usability - Changed:
– Minor UI improvements
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-10-03)
– Support for iOS 18 / watchOS 11
– Requires at least iOS 15 / watchOS 10
Version 3.8.3 (05-SEP-2024):
New in Premium Plans:
– Added radar imagery for Iceland (Captain plan)
– Area forecast bulletin for NL (First & Captain plan) - Changed:
– Minor UI improvements
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-09-05)
Version 3.8.2 (07-AUG-2024):
– Enhanced abbreviations list
– Minor improvements (e.g., context menu in NOTAM list)
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., airport search with umlauts)
– Database update (2024-08-08)
Version 3.8.1 (10-JUL-2024):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Added radar images for Austria, Benelux, Singapore, Sweden, and Switzerland in airport view and imagery group
– Added optional display of selected airport (and METAR plot) in radar images - New:
– Added operational data and remarks for US airports (Location tab in detail view). Requires iOS 16 or later.
– Added turbulence map and cross-section charts for Norwegian airports - Changed:
– Replaced radar imagery for European radar widget
– Minor improvements
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-07-10)
Version 3.8 (12-JUN-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added European radar layer in map (Captain only)
– Watch: added 24hrs meteogram complication (for large modular) - New:
– Re-designed imagery viewer in station detail view (incl. access to imagery/charts from Captain premium plan). Available on iOS 15 or higher. - Changed:
– Improved RMK decoder for Argentina and Peru METARs
– Minor improvements
– Minor Bug fixing
– Database update (2024-06-13)
Version 3.7.12 (16-MAY-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Improved SPECI coverage
– Added precipitation radar for Spain (Captain only) - Changed:
– Improved RMK decoder for Australian METARs
– Minor improvements
– Bug fixing (e.g., wind components for true runway identifiers, split view on iPad)
– Database update (2024-05-16)
Version 3.7.11 (18-APR-2024):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Added additional precipitation radar for Europe - New:
– Added support for rich text in station notes - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., context menu and monospace font option for SIGMETs, added METAR AUTO indicator in list view)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-04-18)
Version 3.7.10 (21-MAR-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added GAFOR for Germany (Gebietswettervorhersage)
– Improved significantly METAR/LWIS coverage for Canada
– Added precipitation radar for Singapore and Slovenia (Captain only) - New:
– Added option to automatically highlight visibility and ceiling of raw METAR/TAF in NATO MIL colors - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., wind text and flight rules in watch rectangular complications)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2024-03-21)
Version 3.7.9 (22-FEB-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added area forecasts for Germany (Flugwetterübersicht)
– Added option in METAR/TAF home screen widgets to select METAR, TAF, or both (raw mode only)
– Added surface pressure chart for Scandinavia in imagery group (Captain plan only) - Changed:
– Improved area forecast coverage for the US
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., SIGMET symbols; wind and ceiling units in widgets; CZIB flags)
– Database update (2024-02-22)
Version 3.7.8 (23-JAN-2024):
New in First/Captain Premium Plan:
– Added coverage for UK, Ireland, Finland, and Scandinavia to radar widgets and watch
– Added radar coverage for Scandinavia in imagery group (Captain plan only) - Changed:
– Improved legibility (wind speed and flight rules) of METAR plot lock screen widget
– Improved METAR COR indicator
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., radar imagery viewer; nearby group)
– Database update (2024-01-25)
Version 3.7.7 (24-DEC-2023):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Added precipitation radar for Finland in Imagery group
– Added composite reflectivity radar for Alaska, Caribbean, Guam, Hawaii in Imagery group - New in First & Captain Premium Plan:
– Added “closed airport” notes (from NOTAM data) on main airport view (req. iOS 16 or higher) - Changed:
– Migrated Canadian radar products (snow and rain) from PRECIP-ET to DPQPE
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., settings UI)
– Database update (2023-12-28)
Version 3.7.6 (30-NOV-2023):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Added precipitation radar for UK in Imagery group
– Added composite reflectivity radar for Continental US in Imagery group
– Added Canadian GFA for “Clouds and Weather” and “Icing and Turbulence” in Imagery group - Changed:
– Minor improvements (localizations; layout)
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., METAR/TAF today widget)
– Database update (2023-11-30)
Version 3.7.4 (02-NOV-2023):
New in Captain Premium Plan:
– Added radar precipitation for Brazil in Imagery group -
New:– Toolbox: added fuel (weight to/from volume) calculator (requires iOS 15)
- Changed:
– SIGMET: improved refreshing on map and decoding of coordinates
– Minor improvements
– Database update (2023-11-02)
Version 3.7.3 (12-OCT-2023):
Updated METAR/TAF loading due to changes at data provider (US NOAA). Older versions may show data loading issues. Users with subscriptions are not affected.
Minor improvements (e.g., inline lock-screen widget)
Minor bug fixing (e.g., METAR lock-screen widget on iOS 16)
Version 3.7.2 (05-OCT-2023):
- New:
– Added additional lock screen widgets on iPadOS (req. iPadOS 17; included in any subscription)
– TAF flight rules indicator in station list now shows both initial forecast condition and flight rules of worst (than initial) condition. Enable in “settings > format > flight rules”. - Changed:
– Minor improvements (e.g., decimal option for time calculator; re-arranged layouts in settings; METAR plots)
– Watch: re-introduced curved text in corner complications (watchOS 10 only)
– Minor bug fixing
– Database update (2023-10-05)
– Updated for iOS 17 and watchOS 10
Version 3.7.1 (06-SEP-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added Low-Level-SWC for Brazil (in Captain plan only) - New:
– Toolbox: added Time Calculator - Changed:
– Minor bug fixing
– Internal optimizations
– Database update (2023-09-07)
– Removed support for iOS 13
Version 3.7 (10-AUG-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Map: added layer with Nowcast convection/lightning cells (Captain plan only) - New:
– US ATC Delays: added map for airspace flow control and sort option (by type or airport); added context menu for sharing
– Toolbox: added TAS in great circle for approx. calculation of duration - Changed:
– Improved SIGMET list (indicates upcoming SIGMETs) and decoding
– Minor bug fixing (e.g., SIGMET alerts display; voice preferences)
– Minor improvements (e.g., US ATC Delays layout)
– Internal optimizations
– Database update (2023-08-10)
Version 3.6.10 (14-JUL-2023):
Minor bug fixing (e.g., runway-in-use indicator, restore purchase)
Minor improvements (e.g., runway RVR display)
Internal optimizations
Database update (2023-07-13)
Version 3.6.9 (15-JUN-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added “density altitude” to alert push notifications
– Added for bigger airports in Germany: “runway in use”, RVR data, and wind speed/direction for at each runway threshold - New:
– Added tower hours and remarks to Communication section
– Added option to reload METAR/TAF automatically when app is in foreground (in settings > general) - Changed:
– Watch complication: added text/plot indicator in airport picker (to better distinguish when setting complications on iPhone)
– Minor bug fixing
– Minor improvements (e.g., increased airport meteogram coverage)
– Database update (2023-06-15)
Version 3.6.8 (18-MAY-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added charts (wind, temperature/dew point, pressure) in METAR archive (First and Captain level). Requires iOS 16. - New:
– In airport detail (and on watch app), ‘AWOS’ section has been renamed to ‘Communications’ and includes also various frequency information (primarily US) - Changed:
– Watch: added dew point to decoded list
– Minor bug fixes (e.g., for some raw METAR lock-screen widgets, visibility in METAR plots)
– Database update (2023-05-18)
Version 3.6.7 (26-APR-2023):
Fixed “no airports defined” in notification center widgets
Fixed “no data” in corner complications (watchOS 9 only)
Version 3.6.6 (20-APR-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added option to specify runway for crosswind alert notification - Watch (on watchOS 9 devices only):
– Migrated complication to widgets (reset of complications might be necessary)
– Added user-location based complications for all complication types
– Added raw METAR to modular complication (previous text based complication has been removed) and improved METAR plot complication - Changed:
– Minor layout improvements (e.g., more context menus in station detail view)
– Minor bug fixes
– Removed iOS 12 and watchOS 6 support
– Database update (2023-04-20)
Version 3.6.5 (23-MAR-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added surface pressure charts for Europe (Captain plan only)
– Added option for radar layer (for continental US only) in nearby METAR plot map widget - Changed:
– Added sort order option to Alerts group
– Improved alert list layout
– Minor bug fixes
– Database update (2023-03-23)
Version 3.6.4 (04-MAR-2023):
Minor bug fixes
Database update (2023-03-02)
Version 3.6.3 (23-FEB-2023):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Nearby METAR home-screen widget with 3 layouts to choose from: raw, plots, map with plots - Changed:
– Improved SPECI coverage and display
– Extended METAR archive from one to two years back
– Minor bug fixes
– Database update (2023-02-23)
Version 3.6.2 (26-JAN-2023):
Minor improvements (e.g., small wind indicator in runway diagram, added twilight option for SR-15’/SS+15′)
Alert push notification improvements (server-side)
Minor internal fixes
Database update (2023-01-26)
Requires iOS 12.2 or higher (subsequent releases will require iOS 13 and watchOS 7)
Version 3.6.1 (Jan 10th, 2023):
Database update (2023-01-09) due to missing data in version 3.6
Minor internal fixes
Version 3.6 (Dec 31st, 2022):
Added indicator in airport view for mountainous area (terrain elevation exceeds 900 m / 3000 ft within a distance of 10 NM)
Added runway head-/tailwind color in list view (enable “show longest runway” in group properties)
Added longest runway option for main list
Watch: added airport elevation in header and mountainous area indicator
Minor improvements (e.g., suspension of alerts also available in ‘settings > notification’, help texts)
Bug-fixing (e.g., present weather METAR decoding)
Database update (2022-12-29)
Requires iOS 12.2 or higher (subsequent releases will require iOS 13 and watchOS 7)
Version 3.5.6 (Nov 30th, 2022):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Added option to configure radius for TAF of alternate airport (in settings > format) - Changed:
– Added re-ordering of pinned imagery product (by drag & drop)
– Indicator for SIGMETs which are exercises
– Minor improvements (e.g., INTER TAF segments are recognized in runways selector)
– Bug-fixing (e.g., space weather graphs)
– Database update (2022-12-01)
Version 3.5.5 (Nov 3rd, 2022):
New in all Premium Plans:
– Shows alternate TAF of nearby airport (within 5 NM) if selected airport doesn’t provide one
– Added option to see raw meteogram (MOS) data (available for US/Canada airports only) - Changed:
– Improved support for Watch Ultra
– Minor improvements (e.g., meteogram present weather decoding; visibilty in METAR plots)
– Bug-fixing
– Database update (2022-11-03)
Version 3.5.4 (Oct 8th, 2022):
Version 3.5.3 (Oct 7th, 2022):
Added two new lock screen widgets: METAR raw text and circular (included in any subscription)
Added option (via context menu) to show flight rules colored TAF (for raw TAFs only)
- Changed and fixed:
- Minor improvements
- Bug-fixing
- Database update (2022-10-06)
Version 3.5.2 (Sep 16th, 2022):
Added METAR plot Lock Screen widget (included in any subscription)
iOS 16 support
Minor improvements and bug-fixing
Database update (2022-09-14)
Version 3.5.1 (Sep 11th, 2022):
Watch: in watchOS 7 or higher it’s now possible to add multiple complications per watch face. ** Previous complications need to be set again in watch face (not anymore in app). **
- Changed and fixed:
- Improved TAF loading for NOAA data source
- Complication thresholds (for wind, visibility, and ceiling) have moved from iPhone watch app to preferences section on watch. Please check correct settings on watch.
- Minor improvements (e.g., ADS-B device detection in data source settings)
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., group properties for main list)
- Database update (2022-09-08)
Version 3.5 (Aug 11th, 2022):
New in Premium Plans:
First & Captain: increased meteogram (MOS) data coverage in US and Canada (added approx. 2500 more airports)
First & Captain: changed MOS to US NOAA’s NBM (National Blend of Models) for US and Canada
Captain: added LL SWC for Netherlands in Imagery/Charts
Captain: added London CTA Helicopter Forecast in Imagery/Charts (also included in airport detail)
- Changed and fixed:
- A station can be moved to top of the list via right-swipe or context menu (works only when sort order is set to “user-defined”)
- Added TAF indicator and context menu (to show full TAF) in airport’s nearby list
Minor improvements (e.g., caching of images & charts when offline) - Added Conflict Zone Bulletins as group (needs to be enabled in group list properties)
- Minor layout optimizations
- Minor bugfixing
- Database update (2022-08-11)
Version 3.4.8 (Jul 14th, 2022):
New in Premium Plans:
Added “Conflict Zone Information Bulletins” (CZIB) from EASA; accessible in “Station Detail > Location” (only shown when available)
Added “relative humidity” to alert notifications
Added Italian LLSWC
- Changed and fixed:
- Improved FlightService (US) display and added function to activate flight plan
- Minor improvements (e.g., FAA codes in airport searches, watch complications, keyboard handling in documents group)
- Internal optimizations
- Minor bugfixing
- Database update (2022-07-14)
Version 3.4.7 (Jun 17th, 2022):
Minor improvements (e.g., sort order in nearby group, sort order of alerts, airport elevation in detail view header; runway layout display)
Internal optimizations
Minor bugfixing (e.g., wind runway/QFU in toolbox)
Database update (2022-06-16)
Version 3.4.6 (May 18th, 2022):
Minor layout improvements (e.g., runways)
Internal optimizations (e.g., METAR decoder improvements; increased nearby airport radius; highlight keywords examples)
Minor bugfixing (e.g., RVR in list view; runway wind components on watch; airport database management on watch)
Database update (2022-05-19)
Version 3.4.5 (Apr 27th, 2022):
Internal optimizations
Minor bugfixing
Database update (2022-04-21)
Version 3.4.4 (Mar 24th, 2022):
Toolbox wind component calculator: added copy METAR wind data to toolbox wind calculator; saves previously entered values
Added operational restriction remarks (when available) for US airport runways
- Changed and fixed:
- Internal optimizations
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., station widget layout; dark mode)
- Database update (2022-03-24)
Version 3.4.3 (Feb 23rd, 2022):
Premium Plans Updates:
Added options for local time (LT) and sunrise/sunset in home screen widgets (setting on backside of widget)
- Changed and fixed:
- Internal optimizations
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., fixed disappeared station label when longest runway option is enabled)
- Database update (2022-02-24)
Version 3.4.2 (Jan 27th, 2022):
Premium Plans Updates:
First & Captain: extended coverage of radar widget to central Europe
- New and fixed:
- Added longest runway identifiers for all group lists as option (use ooo-button in list view)
- Added new SNOWTAM format to toolbox decoder
- Minor improvements (e.g., added pressure trend arrow in decoded METAR widget; added map in context menu for earthquake data)
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., improved update of units in widgets when changed in app; runway wind component arrows)
- Fixed “empty screen” issue at startup on macOS
- Database update (2022-01-27)
Version 3.4.1 (Dec 31st, 2022):
Premium Plans Updates:
First & Captain: added radar widget (currently continental US only)
Captain: bottom sheet in map for improved SIGMET/AIRMET usability; added more AIRMET map filter selectors
- New and fixed:
- Added longest runway identifiers in nearby group list
Added option to disable regular expressions for keyword highlighting (e.g., if keyword starts with + without using regular expressions)
- Minor improvements
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., dark mode)
- Database update (2021-12-30)
- Requires at least iOS 12.1
Version 3.4 (Dec 5th, 2021):
Premium Plans Updates:
First & Captain: added radar for continental US on Watch app
First & Captain: added new station home screen widget (large size with METAR plot, meteogram, raw METAR/TAF, and D-ATIS indicator – for major US airports only)
Captain: added AIRMET support for Brazil, Canada, Italy, Norway, Slovenia, and South Koreats
- New and fixed:
- Added regular expression for highlighted keywords
Minor improvements (e.g., indicating “exercise” SIGMETs)
Minor bugfixing (e.g., US ATC delays)
Database update (2021-12-02)
Version 3.3.5 (Nov 10th, 2021):
Premium Plans Updates:
Added filter for advisories (SIGMET, AIRMET, OUTLOOK) in list and map
Added highlight keywords for SIGMET/AIRMET (use context menu)
Added map layer with radar for continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, Caribbean, Guam
Improved layer selection in map
Added background style for raw/decoded METAR/TAF widgets
- Changed and fixed:
- Minor improvements (dark mode)
Minor bugfixing
Database update (2021-11-04)
Version 3.3.4 (Oct 21st, 2021):
Added customizable UDP port for ADS-B input (settings > configure data sources)
Fixed crash when using imagery on iOS 12 devices
Minor improvements (dark mode; SIGMET coverage)
Minor bugfixing
Version 3.3.3 (Oct 7th, 2021):
Premium Plans Updates:
Added current location option for Meteogram home screen widgets (First and Captain plan)
Added Significant Weather Charts for European Nordic region (Captain plan)
Changed and fixed:
iOS 15 adaptations
Improved dark mode support on iOS 13 or higher devices (customizable in settings > general)
Minor user interface improvements
Minor bugfixing (e.g., runway display on small watches)
Database update (2021-10-07)
Version 3.3.2 (Sep 27th, 2021):
Added runway wind component and runway layout option (use ‘customize view’)
Added radar imagery for most Central Europe airports with animation (tap and use crown); requires Captain subscription
Minor improvements (e.g., added ‘exact word matching’ option for highlighting keywords)
Minor bugfixing
Database update (2021-09-09)
Version 3.3 (Jul 19th, 2021):
Major Watch update:
Watch app doesn’t need iPhone anymore for almost all operations (entire database is on watch now)
Add/remove stations directly on watch (independent from iPhone, however, sync through Watch Group is still available)
Station detail view includes now additionally decoded METARs, runways, AWOS, meteograms (D-ATIS and meteogram require at least First-subscription)
Data in station detail view can be customized
Preferences and units can be changed on Watch
Minor improvements (e.g., Space Weather help; basic key commands on iPads)
Minor bugfixing
Database update (2021-07-14)
Version 3.2.1 (Jun 18th, 2021):
Premium Plan (First and Captain):
Added small size meteogram widget
Added Space Weather information (e.g., with geomagnetic activity forecast, radiation forecast). Available as new group in top-level list.
Changed and fixed:
Minor improvements (e.g., added gusts in wind components calculator, imagery)
Minor bugfixing
Database update (2021-06-17)
Version 3.2 (May 27th, 2021):
Premium Plan (Captain):
Added support for in-flight reception of METAR/TAF data from ADS-B receivers. Requires GDL 90 output (e.g., Stratux) and iOS 12 or higher. To be enabled in settings.
Added in “Imagery group”: global satellite image and radar data for Germany.
AeroWeather Pro is now available on Macs with M1 Chip as a complimentary download when already purchased on iOS. Active subscriptions are also valid on the Mac version.
Changed and fixed:
Minor improvements (e.g., great circle calculator accepts besides airports also coordinates)
Database update (2021-05-20)
Version 3.1.6 (May 6th, 2021):
- Bugfixing (potential database crash during startup)
- Minor improvements (e.g., Dropbox API)
Version 3.1.5 (Apr 28th, 2021):
- Added runway visual range (RVR) indicator also in runway diagram (requires any subscription plan)
- Minor improvements (e.g., highlight keyword)
- Minor bugfixing (e.g., runway state decoder in tools)
- Database update (2021-04-22)
Version 3.1.4 (Mar 4th, 2021):
New:– Added “Recently Searched” group (tap on ooo-button to make it visible)– Added “Cold Temperature Correction” in Tools
New included in subscription plans:– Added runway visual range (RVR) in runway list with real-time data for bigger US airports and from METAR where available otherwise (First or Captain subscription)– Extended METAR archive from 6 to 12 months (First or Captain subscription)
Changed and fixed:– Minor improvements– Minor bugfixing (e.g., SNOWTAM filter, restore purchase for cloud-sync)– Database update (2021-02-25)
Version 3.1.3 (Feb 8th, 2021):
- Minor improvements (added METAR wind in runways time selector; added cloud ceiling in map METAR plots; more weather extremes)
- Fixed bug related to subscription issues in some cases (please do “Restore Purchase” in settings if it doesn’t show up)
- Minor bug fixing
- Database update (2021-02-03)
Version 3.1.2 (Jan 19th, 2021):
- Improved METAR/TAF coverage Australia and Colombia (for First or Captain subscriptions only)
- Updated help page
- Bug fixing (e.g., US radar imagery)
- Database update (2021-01-16)
Version 3.1.1 (Dec 19th, 2020):
- Changed US radar imagery to new US NOAA system
- Improved US ATC Delay alerts coverage
- Minor bug fixing (e.g., NOTAM sort order; expired NOTAMs)
- Database update (2020-12-17)
Version 3.1 (Dec 15th, 2020):
- New:
- Added simple offline map layer with countries borders (does not require any internet connection); requires iOS 13 or higher
- Added cloud ceiling in METAR plot widget (notation as in METAR for BKN and OVC only; located between pressure and ICAO identifier)
- Added alert push notifications for US ATC Delays (First or Captain subscription)
- Added alert push notifications for SIGMET (Captain subscription)
- Added “Weather/Low-Level Clouds” forecast charts for Europe (Captain subscription)
- Changed and fixed:
Minor improvements (e.g., display of NOTAM issue date, layout of meteogramm home screen widget, display of gusts in TAF in runway section)
Minor bugfixing (e.g., METAR archive access, darkmode, subscription)
- Database update (2020-12-04)
Version 3.0.3 (Nov 6th, 2020):
- New (in any subscription):
- Added lower/greater comparison to flight rule alerts (e.g., if flight rule is greater/better than MVFR)
- Added DWD (German Weather Service) as METAR/TAF data source
- Added D-ATIS (bigger US airports only) on watch
- Changed and fixed:
- Watch: adapted user interface for watchOS 7 (removed force-touch menus)
- Minor improvements (e.g., TAF remaining time)
- Bugfixing (e.g., fixed missing advisory and imagery/charts group)
- Database update (2020-11-05)
Version 3.0.2 (October 23rd, 2020):
- New:
- Added selector for latest four significant weather charts
- Added option to select ‘My Location’ for METAR/TAF home screen widget
- Added DWD as additional SIGMET data source
- Improved and fixed:
- Minor improvements (e.g., map display)
- Minor Bugfixing
- Updated Canadian radar links
Version 3.0.1 (October 14th, 2020):
- New:
Added ‘Decoded METAR’ home screen widget (requires any subscription)
Added ‘Central European Radar with Lightning’ in Imagery Group (requires ‘Captain’ subscription)
- Improved and fixed:
- Minor improvements (e.g., widget station searching, SIGMET display)
- Minor Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-10-13)
Version 3.0 (October 11th, 2020):
- New: This release incorporates again more weather data. Due to incurring costs to obtain this data and to distribute it we now offer two subscription levels. The previous Plus subscription is a now called “First” (with same features as before and more), while the new higher tier subscription “Captain” offers even more data on top of that (** indicates new feature in this release):
- ‘First’ Subscription
– Alerts push notifications
– Dedicated METAR/TAF access (direct from ANSP)
– Meteogram (MOS) in app and widget
– D-ATIS (US only)
– Area Forecast Discussions (US only)
– METAR Archive (6 months)
– Home Screen Widgets (iOS 14 only) ** - ‘Captain’ Subscription
– Everything in ‘First’ subscription
– Imagery and Forecast Charts (new group) **
– SIGMETs (as map layer and as new group) ** - Improved and fixed:
- Minor layout improvements
- Minor Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-09-25)
Version 2.9.4 (September 3rd, 2020):
- New in Plus Subscription Package:
- Added alert for dew point
- Improved and fixed:
- Minor layout improvements (e.g., map annotations)
- Minor Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-08-17)
- Removed two months subscription option
- Last release with iOS 10 support
Version 2.9.3 (July 22nd, 2020):
Added pressure altitude in airport detail on watch
- Minor layout improvements (e.g., home screen context menu)
- Minor Bugfixing (e.g., darkmode, original units)
- Database update (2020-07-19)
Version 2.9.2 (June 26th, 2020):
- New in Plus Subscription Package:
- METAR/LWIS data from NemoWX (Canada)
- New:
Added “METAR Plot” complication (graphic rectangular only)
- Improved and fixed:
- Minor improvements (e.g., added sharing for area forecasts)
- Bugfixing (e.g., language selection, crashes, wind units in runway diagram, Canadian radar layers)
- Database update (2020-06-22)
Version 2.9.1 (May 22nd, 2020):
- New in Plus Subscription Package:
- Added Area Forecast Discussions from US NOAA (currently US only)
- New:
Added open-end option for ATIS alert notifications
- Improved and fixed:
Language selection moved to devices settings (for iOS 13 or newer)
Minor improvements (e.g., highlight keywords, D-ATIS loading)
Bugfixing (e.g., runway wind components)
Database update (2020-05-21)
Version 2.9 (May 6th, 2020):
- New in Plus Subscription Package:
- Added D-ATIS for almost 80 US airports
- Added push notifications for D-ATIS
- Added complementing METAR-like data for UK airports from general weather sources
- New:
Added customizable layout of detail station page (use “Edit view” at the bottom)
Added synchronization of “highlight”-keywords among all devices (via iCloud)
Added possibility to apply “highlight”-keywords to specific data (METAR/TAF, ATIS, NOTAM)
Added “highlight”-keywords to NOTAMs
Added context menus for most station detail sections (tap and hold)
Added “auto-disable date” for alert notifications (switches them off automatically after predefined time)
- Improved and fixed:
- Minor layout improvements
- Webcam provider changed from to
- Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-04-26)
Version 2.8.5 (April 8th, 2020):
- In Plus Subscription Package: added METAR-like data from general weather sources for more airports (currently Switzerland only)
- Improved radar imagery for Norway and Canada
- Improved TAF indicator icons in overview list (now shows AMD/COR if applicable)
- METAR/TAF decoder: display of vertical visibility in decoded station list; additional RMK decoding in TAF
- Watch complication loader improvements
- Minor layout changes (e.g., LT indicators)
- Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-03-30)
Version 2.8.4 (February 13th, 2020):
- Added customizable sounds for alert notifications (settings > notifications)
- Watch complication loader improvements
- Minor layout improvements (e.g., runway layout)
- Bugfixing
- Database update (2020-02-11)
Version 2.8.3 (January 13th, 2020):
- Added runway length/width in layout diagram
- Added Canadian snow radar images (in Imagery tab use ooo-button to toggle between rain and snow)
- Bugfixing (e.g., runway wind calculator, METAR archive)
- Translation improvements
- Minor layout improvements
- Database update (2020-01-03)
Version 2.8.2 (December 18th, 2019):
- New: added runway wind components calculator and SNOWTAM decoder to toolbox
- Bugfixing (e.g., large font sizes in decoded view list; map annotations)
- Improved translations for Finnish, Italian, Japanese
- Updated world magnetic model (WMM) to version 2020
- Minor layout improvements
- Database update (2019-12-10)
Version 2.8.1 (December 3rd, 2019):
- Fixed crashes when enabling Cloud-Synchronization and sharing of groups and stations (on iPad only)
- Fixed runway state code decoder
- Fixed darkmode in alerts and web-viewer
- Fixed access to “weather extremes” group
- Internal optimizations
Version 2.8 (November 23rd, 2019):
- New in Plus Subscription
- METAR raw data archive with up to 6 months of data back (accessible in airport’s detail view)
- Extreme weather group showing min/max of wind and temperature grouped by continent (accessible via ooo-button in main list)
- New alert types: tailwind on any runway, temperature/dew point spread
- METAR stations plots in map (accessible via layer button)
- Added toolbox with reference lists and decoders in detail view (where AeroPix camera button used to be; which is now also in the toolbox).
- Dark Mode for all settings and maps
- Bug fixing (e.g., dynamic font sizes, METAR/TAF widget)
- Minor layout improvements
- Database update (2019-11-07)
Version 2.7.6 (October 9th, 2019):
- Adaptions for iOS 13
- Dark Mode for widgets
- Bug fixing (e.g., stuck nearby widget, marked NOTAMs, TAF flighrules when set to ICAO)
- Minor layout improvements
- Significantly improved Chinese localization
- Database update (2019-09-30)
Version 2.7.5 (September 6th, 2019):
- SNOWTAMs are now shown in decoded format
- Added “Documents” group to see all user notes at once (use ooo-button on top-level to enable it)
- Improved METAR/TAF present weather decoding (according to WMO)
- Faster cloud synchronization
- MOS decoder improvements
- Bug fixing (e.g., METAR/TAF on Watch and in app when region is set to Thailand)
- Database update (2019-08-25)
Version 2.7.4 (July 25th, 2019):
- Added new widget for meteogram, which shows the first station of the Widget group
- Added temporary suspending (do not disturb) of alert notification (Alert group > “moon” button)
- Minor layout optimizations (e.g., fractions for visibility in miles)
- Bug fixing
- Database update (2019-07-18)
Version 2.7.3 (June 30th, 2019):
- “User Weather Image” group (previously “My Weather Images”) now includes own and all other user’s images
- Added UTC time format option in detail airport view (settings > format)
- Minor layout optimizations
- Bug fixing (e.g., temperature unit, data loading, webcams)
- Database update (2019-06-20)
Version 2.7.2 (June 5th, 2019):
- Added wind direction range (e.g., from 30 to 90°) for wind alerts
- Dynamic font size is now also applied in station list (raw METAR format only)
- Minor layout optimizations
- Bug fixing (e.g., font size, background tasks)
- Internal optimisations
- Database update (2019-05-23)
Version 2.7.1 (May 2nd, 2019):
- Fixes bug when changing units in alerts
Version 2.7 (May 1st, 2019):
- Added TAF alerts (sent when new TAF is available)
- Added crosswind alerts (sent when crosswind exceeds specified limit on all or any runways)
- Added decoder for METAR RMK section (primarily for US, CA, RU, JP)
- Added sort order option for watch group (synchronized with watch)
- Added detail station access when taping on delays in “US ATC Delay” group
- Added “move group to top” when using “user-defiend” sort order (accessible by swiping group to right)
- Added longest runway info and runway length filter in nearby group
- Added option to color highlight keywords in METAR and TAF (settings > format > highlight keywords)
- Added raw METAR in nearby list within station detail
- For UK users: added Met Office London CTA Helicopter Forecast. Shown in Imagery for all airports within coverage (part of subscription)
- Minor bug fixing
- Database update (2019-04-21)
Version 2.6.3 (Mar 7th, 2019):
- Added visibility and flightrules to meteogram
- Added 1h short/long switch (1 hour vs. 3 hours intervals) for non-US meteograms
- Added editing of alerts directly in Alert group
- Watch app: flightrule change for corner complication; adapted watch face templates
- Minor bug fixing (e.g., updating map annotation; updating meteograms)
- Database update (2019-03-01)
- Last release with iOS 9 support
Version 2.6.2 (Feb 17th, 2019):
- Added meteograms (based on MOS) with forecasts for temperature, wind, clouds coverage etc. for approx. 3200 stations (available as part of subscription)
- Added UP (unknown precipitation) and FZ (freezing fog/rain/drizzle) to alerts present weather
- Fixed case in which some NOTAMs would not be loaded properly
- Minor layout improvements for dark mode
- Bug fixing
- Database update (2019-02-14)
Version 2.6.1 (Feb 1st, 2019):
- Minor layout improvements
- Bug fixing
- Database update (2019-01-31); added many new stations with METAR and/or TAF
Version 2.6 (Jan 9th, 2019):
- Added FlightService 1800wxbrief group for LastMinuteCheck and to close/cancel flight plans (for US only)
- Added note drawing support in runway diagram view on iPad (will be synchronized with iCloud, if sync feature is unlocked)
- Added TAF (raw) to Siri display
- Collapsed NOTAMs (when tapped) states are now preserved when updating the app
- Adopted Russian runway friction coefficient for runway state decoding
- Watch: added station elevation and density altitude in detail view
- Minor layout improvements
- Bug fixing
- Database update (2019-01-03)
Version 2.5.2 (Dec 9th, 2018):
- Added Siri shortcuts for METARs
- Minor layout improvements
- Bug fixing
- Database update (2018-12-08)
Version 2.5.1 (Nov 16th, 2018):
- Support for new iPad devices
- Improved decoding of METAR/TAF present weather codes
- Minor layout improvements
- Bug fixing (e.g., data loading, watch complication)
- Database update (2018-11-12)
Version 2.5 (Oct 18th,2018):
- Added dedicated METAR/TAF data source option (as in-app purchase). Due to occasional service issues with public data services we offer now access to METAR/TAF from a certified ANSP through dedicated and redundant servers.
- Added satellite background maps and re-arranged wind indicator in runway diagram
- Watch: added support for new complications on Series 4
- Watch: improved speed of data loading when switching between list and nearby view
- Fixed issue for Canadian NOTAMs (when preferred format option was set to “ICAO”)
- Bug fixing (e.g., data loading)
- Support for new devices (iPhone and Watch)
- Notifications are grouped by airport on iOS 12
- Update to latest world magnetic variation model (WMM2015v2)
- Database update (2018-10-14)
Version 2.4.2 (Aug 12th, 2018):
- Added option to assign a predefined flag (like departure or alternate) to stations (per group) for better usability (req. iOS 11 or higher). Swipe station in list from left to right to access it. For stations in a group this flag will also be synchronized among all devices.
- Fixed and improved METAR read out texts: added entire cloud segment; minus temperatures; visibility; wind
- Added monospace font for raw METAR/TAF also in widget (if enabled in settings)
- Minor bug fixing
Version 2.4.1 (Jul 28th, 2018):
- Added read out METAR (similar to ATIS) when swiping a station in list to the right (English voice only; req. iOS 11 or higher)
- Added flexible configuration of data shown in large modular watch complication (use ooo-button in “Apple Watch” group on your iPhone)
- Small layout optimizations (map annotations) and translations improvements
- Bug fixing (historic METAR time periods, widget layout, alert deactivation in notifications, crash fixes, watch data loading)
- Database update (2018-07-17)
Version 2.4 (Jul 6th, 2018):
- Added diagram view for runways
- Added option in settings for automatic night mode
- Added option in settings for raw data displayed with monospace font
- Small layout optimizations
- Bug fixing (incl. watch complication and watch app) and improved stability
Version 2.3.2 (Jun 19th, 2018):
- Improved data loading stability
- Improved coverage of airports for alerts
- Watch: improved loading and complication display
- Small layout optimizations
- Minor internal bug fixing
- Improved translations
- Updated airport database (2018-06-16)
Version 2.3.1 (Apr 21st, 2018):
- Added missing QuickSearch in main list again
- Fixed bug which prevented loading of METAR under some circumstances
Version 2.3 (Apr 18th, 2018):
- Added “QuickGroup” feature to create efficiently a new group by just typing in all ICAO and/or IATA location identifers at once (separated by blank or dash)
- Station annotation in map includes all data now (runway, NOTAM etc.)
- Added positions of nearby webcams in airport map
- Added option to transfer your alerts when changing the device (ooo-button in Alert group)
- Added past METAR list show/hide button in station detail (show up when in set in settings>format to 2 hours or more); added flightrule indicator for each raw METAR
- Added option to show TAF indicator (in overview list) in flightrule colors (for first TAF segment only)
- Added interpretation of BECMG and TEMPO for runway wind components TAF time range
- Added opt-out for saving of backup snapshots to iCloud
- AeroWeather QR codes can be scanned directly from device’s Camera app now
- Widget: added option to hide airports without METAR/TAF in nearby mode
- Small layout changes/optimizations (e.g., improved localizations)
- Bug fixing and improved loading stability
- The apps RosterBuster and myRoster now support easy transfer of groups/routes to AeroWeather Pro
- Updated database (2018-03-29)
Version 2.2.1 (Feb 9th, 2018):
- Added option to disable automatic loading of METAR/TAF data (if on, use manual refreshing)
- Added instrument approach types per runway (US airports only)
- Small layout changes/optimizations (e.g., added “any” selector to station search)
- Bug fixing (e.g. crash when using 3D touch; proximity sort in groups; tap on webcam and radar images)
- Updated database (2018-02-01)
Version 2.2 (Jan 19th, 2018):
- Added free iMessages app to send raw METAR/TAF (to be used through iOS Messages app)
- Added ISA temperature deviation (next to temperature in decoded METAR)
- Improved results display for QuickSearch (always shows matching ICAO/IATA results before matching names)
- Improved wind components for TAF
- Data exchange format reads stations for widget and watch group (for other app developers; see documentation on web-site)
- Small layout changes/optimizations
- Bug fixing (e.g. CAT indicator; flightrule indicator; twilight +/-30min; proximity sort; scrolling in notes view; NOTAM format filter; watch app)
- Updated database (2018-01-04)
Version 2.1 (Dec 11th, 2017):
- Added again printing/PDF for METAR/TAF/groups (via sharing)
- Added sharing of groups thru QR codes
- Groups can be sorted by name
- Improved station sorting by name
- Runway section: AM/PM time format; removed decimals for wind components (now rounded)
- Widget: decoded format now also shows FEW/SCT: option for raw TAF
- Small layout changes/improvements
- Many bugs fixed (e.g. large font size, CAT indicator; duplicate METARs; widget loading/settings; stuck TAFs)
- Updated database (2017-12-04)
Version 2.0.2 (Nov 23rd, 2017):
- Added access to map in station detail view (including pins for nearby stations)
- Added option to remove moon data from station detail
- Fixed AM/PM time format in TAF
- Corrected widget data format (raw/decoded)
- Small layout changes/improvements (e.g., position of refresh button)
- Fixed issues with some Canadian radar images
- Improved watch complication loading
- Bug fixing (e.g., CAT indicator, duplicate METARs, webcams, proximity sort order, LT/UTC and flightrule in widget/watch)
- Database update (2017-11-17)
Version 2.0.1 (Oct 31th, 2017):
- Added missing in-app purchases for alerts and cloud synchronization
Version 2.0 (Oct 30th, 2017):
Major update with many improvements and new features.
- Adaptive user interface (split screens, portrait/landscape support) with better layouting on all devices
- Added support for 3D touch, drag and drop, detail page swiping, dynamic font sizes
- Improved map view with direct access to stations details
- Today widget with nearby stations mode
- Redesigned Watch app: includes now also TAFs and webcams; nearby stations mode
- Alert notifications for METARs (needs to be unlocked)
- CloudKit synchronisation for user groups (needs to be unlocked)
- Added group with last 24 hours of earthquakes
- Added ATC delays group (US only)
- Added user weather images (AeroPix)
- Added time-based station background (dark background during nighttime)
- Added glossary
- Added World Magnetic Model (WMM) for mag. variation calculations
- Added support of URL scheme to launch app and show a station
- Added open data exchange format to import/export data from/to other systems
- Improved runway section now also showing TAF wind situation and runway surface type (mainly US only)
- Improved notes section with multiple records per station
- Improved radar and webcam view
- Improved sharing and printing
- Improved METAR/TAF loading
- Updated airport database (2017-10-29)
Version 1.9.9 (Aug 9th, 2017):
- Fixed bug that crashed app at startup when using iOS 9.2.x or lower.
- Fixed bug that could cause app crash at startup due to malformatted NOTAMs.
Version 1.9.8 (Jul 21st, 2017):
- This release is for a bug fix with iOS 11 public beta. Major updates of AeroWeather Lite and Pro are coming very soon.
- Watch App stability improvements.
Version 1.9.7 (Jun 23rd, 2017):
- Bug fixing (crashes for certain airports when loading NOTAMs)
- Added option for optimized connectivity with SKYTRAC ISAT devices
- Updated airport database (2017-06-17)
Version 1.9.6 (Mar 21st, 2017):
- Fixed loading for SuperAWOS stations (US only)
- Minor bug fixing
- Updated airport database (2017-03-12)
Version 1.9.5 (Feb 20th, 2017):
- Minor decoder improvements (RVR and present weather)
- TAF loading improvement7
- Minor bug fixing in iOS app and watch app complication
- Updated airport database (2017-02-14)
Version 1.9.4 (Dec 13th, 2016):
- Fixed database updater loader
- Fixed crashes when restoring user data
- Minor NOTAM layout changes
- Updated Airport Database (2016-12-08)
Version 1.9.3 (Nov 21st, 2016):
- Fixed NOTAM loader (which might have caused crashes)
- Minor layout changes
- Various bug fixes in iOS app and watch app
- Updated Airport Database (2016-11-04)
Version 1.9.2 (Oct 11th, 2016):
- NOTAM: loader bugfixing; loads NOTAMs when using QuickSearch
- NOTAM layout: added time stamp when data was loaded
- Dropbox: migrated to API2 and minor layout change
- Fixed delayed METAR/TAF loading for Brazilian airports
- Minor layout changes and bug fixing)
- Updated Airport Database (2016-10-11)
Version 1.9.1 (Sep 29th, 2016):
- Improved widget colors
- Bugfixing: raw TAF in detail view; database updater
Version 1.9 (Sep 26th, 2016):
- Complete redesign of NOTAM section including automatic loading for all stations and offline mode (loading option in settings)
- Customizations for watch complication (see settings in iPhone watch app) plus colored flightrule symbols
- Added flags when sorting by country for better readability; added ‘TAF available’ indicator in overview list
- Webcam display bug fix on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
- Minor layout and bug fixes; improved watch connectivity
- Updated Airport Database (2016-09-16)
- Adapted for iOS 10 (e.g., widget)
Version 1.8.4 (May 13th, 2016):
- Improved stability of watchOS 2 app/complication
- Decoder improvements (e.g. QBB)
- Changed database loader (for updates within app)
- Changed NOTAM loader for faster and more efficient loading
- Updated station/runway/radar/awos database
- Last release for iOS 6
Version 1.8.3 (Feb 27th, 2016):
- Decoder inprovements for turbulence/icing; Minor display and user interface issues
- Bugfix: Fixed bug when editing groups
- Data: updated station/runway/radar/awos database
Version 1.8.2 (as of Dec 3rd, 2015):
- Added: Optimized for watchOS2 plus complication support for the modular watch face (first station in widget group is always displayed as complication); Japanese localization; Decoder: vertical visibility (VV) is now taken into account for flightrule determination
- Bugfix: METAR decoding of RVR might have caused app to crash; Fixed Maldives data source; Minor display and user interface issues (e.g. flightrule icons)
- Data: updated station/runway/radar/awos database
Version 1.8.1 (as of Sep 30th, 2015):
- Added: Apple Watch: added dew point and humidity; METAR observation time in Glance; Today Widget: taping on airport now opens app with widget group
- Bugfix: bug which sometimes caused empty group list view; RMK decoding (T field); broken open URL scheme (aeroweather://); minor display and user interface issues
- Data: updated station/runway/radar/awos database
Version 1.8 (as of Jul 14th, 2015):
- Added: Apple Watch app (incl. Glance) which uses widget group to display stations on watch; new option to sort groups alphabetically; more twilight options; app language selection; calling AWOS number optionally via Skype (if Skype is installed); AWOS numbers can also be called from iPad via handover from iPhone (for US stations only); improved Brazilian Portuguese translations
- Bugfix: fixed today widget loading (frozen display at end of month); decoder and loading improvements; minor display and user interface issues
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
Version 1.7.3 (as of Apr 28th, 2015):
- Added: access to more Brazilian airports via Redemet; access to airport details and charts from iFlightplanner (US only); AWOS phone numbers (US only) can be called on iPad when using iPhone and iOS 8
- Bugfix: improved loading for METAR/TAF/NOTAM; flightrule indicator bug when ceiling was missing; minor bugs
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.7.2 (as of Feb 17th, 2015):
- Bugfix: widget loading; Dropbox login (on iPad/iOS 8); distance label in nearby group (on iPad); temp°F(°C) in list view; improved loading speed for TAF; minor bugs
- Data: updated station/timezone/runway database
Version 1.7.1 (as of Jan 12th, 2015):
- Added: more customizable widget (incl. up to 3 airports); temperature unit setting °F (°C); minor layout changes
- Bugfix: deleting stations on iPad (iOS 8); widget loading; minor bugs
- Data: updated station/timezone/runway database
Version 1.7 (as of Nov 14th, 2014):
- Added: Today Widget (separate group); completely adapted to iPhone 6 screen sizes; minor layout changes
- Bugfix: METAR Trend display; StationList action button crash; minor bugs; improved TAF loading
- Data: updated station/runway database
- Last update with iOS 5.1.1 support
Version 1.6.5 (as of Oct 8th, 2014):
- Added: new icon; 3x icons
- Bugfix: location permission (nearby group); decoding PROB in TAF; iOS 8 related issues (mainly on iPad)
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.6.4 (as of Sep 22nd, 2014):
- Added: minor user interface improvements
- Bugfix for iOS 8: decoded TAF display and toolbar on iPad
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.6.3 (as of Jul 28th, 2014):
- Added: integrated latest Dropbox SDK; minor user interface improvements
- Bugfix: group list view crash; data loader; minor bugs
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
- Removed: Facebook support on pre iOS6 devices
Version 1.6.2 (as of Apr 18th, 2014):
- Added: QuickSearch on iPad for IATA, name, and country; mailing of selected NOTAMs
- Bugfix: minor bugs
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
- Last update with iOS 4.3 support
Version 1.6.1 (as of Jan 25th, 2014):
- Bug fixing: past METARs loading; import backup/Lite file; nightmode at startup
- Minor UI changes
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
- Last update with iOS 4.3 support
Version 1.6 (as of Jan 9th, 2014):
- iOS 7 design adaptation
- Added: runway length filter in nearby list; minor layout changes in airport detail view and settings view; airports can be added at once in multiple searches (iOS 7 only); printing selected NOTAMs; map shows now all airports in group with flightrule color (iPad only); windchill (option)
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.5.2 (as of Aug 28th, 2013):
- Added: NOAA heat index (option); added unit option (visibility); printing includes last 3 METARs now
- Bugfix: minor bugs (decoder, user interface, notes length); improved TAF loading
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.5.1 (as of Jun 7th, 2013):
- Added: Enable links in Notes section (e.g., for GoodReader); minor improvements; decoder additions; puts Backup File in iTunes Sharing
- Bugfix: failed data loading in certain circumstances
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
Version 1.5 (as of Apr 22nd, 2013):
- Added: Polish localization, QuickSearch (for checking station without adding to list), gusts indicator in runway section, moon phase in days, nautical twilight times option
- Bugfix: prevents possible crashes when loading data
- Data: updated station/runway database
Version 1.4.9 (as of Feb 14th):
- NOTAM loading bugfix (certificate)
- Data: updated station/runway/radar database
Version 1.4.8 (as of Jan 26th, 2013):
- Added: minor user interface changes
- Data: updated station/runway/summertime database
- Minor bugfixing
Version 1.4.7 (as of Nov 9th, 2012):
- Bugfixing: offline caching; iPhone rotation with iOS6; length of notes field not limited (on iPhones)
- Added: new Facebook SDK (iOS6 support); minor changes
- Data: updated station/runway/summertime database
- Minor bugfixing
Version 1.4.6 (as of Oct 3rd, 2012):
- iOS 6 and iPhone 5 compatibility
- Option for RMK decoding (more accurate temperature; US only)
- Improved and optimized TAF data downloads
- Minor bugfixing
- Station/Radar/Runway/AWOS Database Update
Version 1.4.5 (as of Jul 30th, 2012):
- Added new METAR/TAF data sources: SuperAWOS, Redemet, LFV, ADDS Data Server
- Added Chinese localization
- Added “Recover Mode” for startup problems in device settings
- Downloadable Station/Radar/Runway/AWOS data (now between app releases possible)
- Changes: METAR/TAF loading improvements; hours of past METAR data now selectable (in settings)
- Decoder: mil color code icons in decoded overview list; minor decoder optimizations
- Station/Radar/Runway/AWOS Database Update
- Minor bugfixing
Version 1.4.4 (as of Apr 6th, 2012):
- Bugs: DA Calculation; TAF loading
- Station/Radar/Runways/AWOS Database Update
- Decoder: visibility improvements; sea state (WxxSx); MIL color code icons (as option); Rxx/SNOCLO; Rx/vvvv
- Added: Pull-to-Refresh detail page (iPhone only); import/export of groups (for sharing); backups now as attachments; remember last group
- Changes: updated dropbox sdk to 1.2 & facebook to facebook-facebook-ios-sdk-6e15f95; use NSCacheDirectory for Webcams, NOTAMs, and Radar
- Last release with iOS 3 support
Version 1.4.3 (as of Feb 9th, 2012):
- TAF Bug Fixed
- Station/Radar/Runways/AWOS Database Update
- Minor Decoder Bugs Fixed
Version 1.4.2 (as of Dec 28th, 2011):
- Settings: additional option for runways lengths in feet and meter; new option to use gusts (if available) in runway wind calculations
- Decoder: improved visibility (M1/4SM and 11/2SM as 1.5SM); improved RMK in TAF
- NOTAM: mail and print
- Bugfix: increased stability at app startup
- Station, runway, and summertime update
Version 1.4.1 (as of Nov 19th, 2011):
- Added new localizations for Norwegian and Finnish
- Twitter integration (iOS 5 only)
- Improved startup loading time
- General Bugfixes: possible crash at startup when updating app; distances in nearby group; NOTAM loading
- Runways: fixed runway lengths; fixed crosswind arrows
- Radar images: fixed Canadian images for WMN; fixed pinching on iPad
- Decoder: added km visibility with directions; improved texts
- Station, runway and summertime update
Version 1.4 (as of Sep 5th, 2011):
- NOTAM in station detail view
- Additional radar types velocity, percipitation (US only) and new overlays (higways, rivers), displays newest image first
- New radar coverage (with loops) for Canada (by Environment Canada)
- Optional calculations (PA, DA, FZL) in detail view
- Dropbox: backup files can be deleted in app now; user can set individual directory path; improved error handling/messages
- Smaller changes: distance/bearing info of station in “nearby-group”; both dewpoint & humidity in overview list (option in settings); additional sort order Country > ICAO; various minor layout changes
- Bugfixes: various minor bugs, decoder optimisations and corrections
- Station, runway and summertime update
Version 1.3.1 (as of May 28th, 2011):
- Bugfixes settings are not saved when app was installed for first time
- Updated station database and summertime periods
Version 1.3 (as of May 22nd, 2011):
- Added webcams nearby airfields (provided by
- Backup and restore user data with a Dropbox account (
- Improved search with multiple selection
- Radar images for Norway
- Send TAF via SMS
- Runway wind calculation include variation plus explanation
- Bugfixes decoder: wind speeds > 99 kts; wrong pressure/visibility units; DST (summertime) in TAF; runway visual range crashes; windshears in TAF
- Bugfixes general: stuck app when selecting stations (iPad only); sun/moon times with xx:30 timezones; various minor bugs
- Updated station database and summertime periods
Version 1.2.1 (as of Jan 6th, 2011):
- Loading button to refresh all groups (at once)
- Runway wind calculations based on current data
- Sharing METAR of individual station to Facebook
- Retain search filter selection when quitting app
- Shaking iPhone in detail view will refresh data
- Decoder: added windshear interpetation in TAF
- Bugs: crash when METAR observation date/time is ahead of current time and list is in “decoded” view; crash when changing station after map/radar was shown (iPad); dawn was shown instead sunrise (when twilight option was off), minor fixes
- Station DB Update
Version 1.2 (as of Dec 5th, 2010):
- Universal app (iPhone & iPad)
- Printing* of stations in a group and printing of individual station (raw METAR and TAF only)
- SMS* METAR of individual station (iPhone only)
- Mail METAR/TAF of individual station
- Animated radar images (for US airports only)
- Pins of surround stations in map view
- New station list options: display both IATA and ICAO; choice between rel. humidity and dewpoint
- New unit option: runway length (ft or m)
- Raw METAR and TAF in detail view are Copy-enabled
- Country names localized (db)
- Added new localizations: Portuguese (Brazilian), Danish, and Swedish
- Minor UI changes
- Bugs: 1h offset DST; Radar image loading; RVR decoding; state of runway decoding
- Station database update
*printing requires at least iOS 4.2
*SMS requires at least iOS 4.0
Version 1.1.1 (as of Aug 26th, 2010):
- Dutch localization
- Minor changes: enhanced overview list setting with user choice of ICAO/IATA and humidity/dewpoint in decoded station list
- Bugs fixes: crash notification when auto loading was switched on; crash when editing stations in raw mode; wind direction indicator
- Station database & summertime Update
- Country names localized to available languages (display and search)
Version 1.1 (as of Jul 29th, 2010):
- Runway data for most airfields
- Moon data (rise, set phase) for all stations
- Spanish localization
- Minor changes: displays IATA code in overview list when sorted by IATA, improved selection in nearby stations list, displays number of station within a group in overview list, option to choose white background in overview list, new group sort order: by proximity
- Decoder changes: displays also “from” day in TAF intervals
- Bugs fixes: local time calculation, moving stations & groups
- Station database & summertime Update
- iOS4 compatibility (restore data, high resolution labels)
Version 1.0 (as of Jun 30th, 2010):
- Initial version