Current and precise weather conditions (METAR), forecasts (TAF), and much more. Made for pilots.
Try out the free AeroWeather Lite first and move to Pro later for more features and functionality.
Requires iOS 15 or higher and at least watchOS 10 for Watch app. Available for iPhone and iPad (compatibility list).
In 2025 minimum requirements will be changed to iOS 16.
Overview of Features and Data
AeroWeather Lite | AeroWeather Pro | |
Features |
Nearby stations group | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Context menus | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Data sharing and printing | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Dynamic font size support | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Today widget (pre iOS 14) in Notification Center | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Various settings for formats and units | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
ATIS-like read out of METARs | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Includes iMessages app | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Siri Shortcuts for METARs incl. ATIS-like readout | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Toolbox with reference material (e.g. present weather), decoders (e.g. runway state condition) | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Additional calculators in toolbox (e.g., NAT HLA, refuelling) | ✔︎ | |
METAR station plots in map | ✔︎ | |
Apple Watch app with complication | ✔︎ | |
Individual user groups | ✔︎ | |
User notes for each station | ✔︎ | |
Available on Mac computers with M1 or higher chip | ✔︎ | |
Cloud syncronisation of user groups | US$ 2.29 | |
Data | ||
Raw and decoded METAR/TAF | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
METAR remarks (RMK) decoder | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
AWOS information (US only) | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Earthquake data for last 24 hours | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Data caching for offline access | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Built-in airports database | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Integration of FlightService 1800wxbrief group for LastMinuteCheck and to activate/close/cancel flight plans | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Built-in runway database | ✔︎ | |
Airport NOTAMs | ✔︎ | |
Webcam data | ✔︎ | |
ATC Delay data (US only) | ✔︎ | |
Radar data (selected countries; more data in premium plan) | ✔︎ | |
Communications (selected countries) | ✔︎ | |
Space Weather Forecast | ✔︎ | |
free with ads | US$ 4.79 |
Overview Premium Plans (Subscription)
We keep on incorporating more and more weather data. Due to incurring costs to obtain this data and/or to distribute it we offer two subscription levels. The previous “Plus subscription” is a now called “First” (with same features as before plus more), while the new higher tier subscription “Captain” offers even more data on top of that.
![]() | ![]() |
Dedicated METAR/TAF access with data from certified ANSP DWD | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Increased coverage of airports for METAR/TAF | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Meteograms (based on MOS data); also included on Watch app | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
D-ATIS for bigger US airports; also included on Watch app | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Area Forecast Discussions (available for the US and German) | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Conflict Zone Information Bulletins (CZIB) from EASA | ✔︎ (Pro only) | ✔︎ (Pro only) |
Real-time RVR data (updated every 30 sec) with indicators in runway list for bigger US and German airports or from METAR where available. | ✔︎ (Pro only) | ✔︎ (Pro only) |
METAR raw data archive with up to 2 years back of data | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Homescreen Widgets METAR/TAF (raw, decoded, station plot), meteogram, radar (US & Central Europe only) | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Alert notifications for METARs, TAFs, D-ATIS, SIGMETs, US ATC Delays, Space Weather | ✔︎ | ✔︎ |
Removal of ad banner | ✔︎ (Lite; no ads in Pro) | ✔︎ (Lite; no ads in Pro) |
Import of METAR/TAF data from ADS-B receivers via GDL 90 | ✔︎ | |
SIGMETs and AIRMETs on map and as group (Intl) | ✔︎ | |
Imagery and Forecast Charts | ✔︎ | |
US$4.99/year | US$7.99/year |
These additional functionalities are offered within a subscription. Subscriptions are offered for 1 month or 12 months periods and are valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro. Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud (with the same Apple ID) is enabled. Subscriptions between iOS and Android cannot be mixed or interchanged and need to be purchased separately.
Previously purchased unlock features are not affected and will work with or without subscription. Please also see Subscription Terms of Use.
Data Sources
Either First or Captain premium plan increases coverage with additional data sources such as:
Worldwide SIGMETs and AIRMETs for US stations are available as a list or directly on the map, with access to all detail information. SIGMET alert notifications can be configured by FIR identifier.
Imagery and Forecast Charts
- Significant Weather Charts (Intl)
- Low-level SWC (Europe, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Brazil, Norway)
- Wind/Temperature (Intl)
- Radar Precipitation/Lightning (Central Europe, Germany, Brazil, Finland, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Austria, Benelux, Slovenia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, US)
- Satellite Composite Infrared (Intl)
- Weather/Cloud Cover (Europe, Canada)
- Global Infrared Satellite
- Surface Pressure Charts (Europe, Scandinavia)
Home Screen Widgets
Home screen widgets are supported on iOS devices with iOS 14 or higher. Several different widget types are available:
- METAR Plot
- METAR Raw (small)
- METAR/TAF Raw (medium)
- METAR Decoded (medium)
- MultiMETAR: raw or decoded of up to 4 airports
- Meteogram: small (8h or 24h), medium (24h or 72h)
- Station (large) with METAR Plot, raw METAR/TAF, Meteogram
- Radar (small): continental US and central Europe only
- Nearby METARs as Plots, List, or Map (large)
Better organized with groups
AeroWeather Pro now offers built-in groups for earthquakes, ATC delays (US only), nearby stations, today widget, and Apple Watch which can be individually enabled on the top level view.
Besides creating user groups it’s also possible to put stations on the same level as user groups. This might be useful for your most favorite airports or home base.
Depending on your needs, groups can be shown or hidden in the main list view. Each group has its own settings (“ooo” button) for data format (raw/decoded), sort order, and background color (either white as usual or time-based, where a stations background becomes dark when there’s nighttime).
Adaptive user interface for efficient use
When a detail station is shown you can directly swipe through the list without having to go back and forth which is especially useful on iPhones.
Optimized for any device and also supports splitscreens/multitasking on iPads.
Context menu support: in the station list you can tap and hold to get a quick preview of the METAR and TAF on supported iPhones.
Dynamic font sizes: when enabled (in settings) METAR and TAF texts will be sized according to the devices text settings. These can be found in “General > Accessibility > Larger Text”.
Stay up-to-date with alert notifications
Define multiple METAR alerts for each station with the following criteria:
- flight rule (US NOAA)
- wind speed (and direction)
- runway crosswind
- runway tailwind
- temperature
- temperature/dew point spread
- dew point
- relative humidity
- pressure
- present weather
- visibility
- ceiling (BKN and OVC)
- density altitude
Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met (e.g., when wind is greater/equal 10 kts, flight rule changes to IFR). Via long tap notifications will show raw METAR.
TAF alerts will be sent when new TAF is available.
To get D-ATIS alerts use context menu (tap and hold) on D-ATIS.
Syncronize groups across your devices
User groups can now be synchronized via Cloud Kit. If enabled in settings, user groups stay synchronized on all devices with the same Apple ID. The top level list (and its order) as well as device specific groups like nearby or widget group are excluded from synchronisation.
Offered as separate one-time unlock purchase.
Apple Watch app included
The AeroWeather Pro watch app offers various data:
- METAR (raw and decoded) / TAF
- Pressure- and density altitude
- Runways with dimensions
- Webcams (if available)
- Communication data with AWOS/ATIS phone calling feature (US and selected countries only)
- D-ATIS for bigger US airports*
- Meteogram with 8 and 24 hours forecast*
- Radar for Central Europe and Continental US*
- Runway related NOTAMs*
Stations can be added and removed directly on watch. Also, all necessary preferences are available on watch. Stations can still be synchronized with Watch group on iPhone but don’t need to.
All data sections in station detail view can be customized (similar as on iPhone).
* Requires at least First premium plan subscription in AeroWeather Pro on iPhone, which is automatically picked up from your iPhone.
Many other features
- Map view with direct access to station details
- Runway section showing METAR/TAF wind components and runway surface type
- Notes section with multiple records per station
- Sharing and printing
- Glossary explaining the most relevant terms
- Option to use World Magnetic Model (WMM) for calculation of magnetic variation and annual change (in station detail view)
METAR Siri Shortcuts
METAR requests can be defined for any station as Siri shortcut.
“Add to Siri” is available in the station detail view (Lite) or under the “Location” tab (Pro). Simply record your invocation phrase and then ask Siri later with this phrase to display (in raw format) and read-out (ATIS-like) the latest METAR.
All defined Siri shortcuts can be viewed in “Settings > Siri Shortcuts”.
More forecast information with Meteograms
Meteograms show forecasts for (from top to bottom) temperature, dew point, wind direction, wind speed, gusts (if available), snowfall/ice (if available), obstruction to vision, cloud coverage, visibility, and flight rule
We use data from two sources: Meteograms in the US are based on US NOAA MOS models NBS (for long forecast) and NBH (for 24h forecasts). For all other stations, we use MOSMIX data from DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst).
Meteograms are available for about 7200 stations.
Available in app, widget, and watch app.
Transfer your data from/into your favourite tools
There are many ways to transfer your groups, stations, and notes:
- Use the open exchange format to transfer groups from or to your favourite tools (more info).
- Use the support of URL schemes to launch the app and show a station or even create new groups (more info).
- Use QR codes to store and read your groups (storage capacity is limited to about 150 stations and will be indicated in the app).
Data acquisition from ADS-B receiver
When connected to a GDL 90 compatible ADS-B receiver (e.g., Stratux), all broadcasted METAR and TAF data will be imported.
iPhone or iPad needs to be connected with the ADS-B receivers WLAN and will then listen to data on UDP port 4000 (which should be default on most receivers). In AeroWeather, data import needs to be enabled in “Settings > Configure Data Sources”. There you’ll see an indicator, if a receiver is properly connected.
Available only in regions where UAT with METAR/TAF distribution is provided (e.g., continental US).
Get weather in your language
AeroWeather Pro is localized in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

Chinese by Chunnan Liu, 邵大海
Danish by Jacob Olsen
Dutch by Marcel Lindenbergh
Finnish by Mika Hissa, Matti Karjalainen
French by Patrick Scheidegger
Italian by Alberto Antonini, PJ Lansbergen a.k.a. Gran Maestro
Japanese by 寺島千晶
Norwegian by Leif Eirik Skaue
Polish by Marcin Leszczuk
Portuguese (Brazilian) by Vinicius Ayres de Araujo (Comanche – 183.599) based on version by Marcello Marques Loriato (LTO)
Spanish by Alejandro Radina
Swedish by Bengt Bergholm
Luca Giraldi
Erik Jeddere-Fisher
Bill Griffith
Davide Pernici
Tiago Romão
We are committed to provide professional and reliable services, however, AeroWeather is not for operational or navigational use. Do not rely on this application for flight planning. Data decoding might be wrong due to malformatted METAR/TAF/NOTAM and so on. The data presented carries no guarantee whatsoever as to accuracy and/or completeness.
Lakehorn AG will not be liable nor responsible for any resulting damage caused by using this application.
AeroWeather uses primarily weather data from freely available US NOAA, US FAA and other services, which cannot be guaranteed. Costs for AeroWeather are for creation of the apps and backend-services, and not to pay for any weather data. There are usually no additional charges for freely available weather data sources with API.
Requires iOS 15 or higher and at least watchOS 10 for Watch app. Available for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
* One-time in-app purchases for additional functionality.
** Additional features which generate recurring operation costs for us will be offered within a subscription. The subscription is valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro. For example, you can also use the subscription features in the Pro version even if you purchased the subscription in the Lite version (and vice versa). However, multiple apps support is only available if iCloud (with the same Apple ID) is enabled. Previously purchased unlock features are not affected and will work with or without subscription.
AeroWeather Pro Enterprise
AeroWeather Pro is also available as unlocked (for iCloud sync) ‘volume purchasing’ version (AeroWeather Pro Enterprise). This version also allows app configuration via MDM.
Get some more information here or contact us at