Current and precise weather conditions (METAR), forecasts (TAF) and NOTAMs.
- Raw and decoded METAR/TAF data
- Dedicated METAR/TAF access with data from certified ANSP (air navigation service provider) DWD **
- Airport NOTAM data **
- D-ATIS for 80 largest US airports **
- Data caching for offline access
- Built-in airports database
- Additional airport information like sunrise/sunset, twilight, moon phase, station location/elevation, AWOS data (US airports), timezone, and daylight saving adjustment
- Webcam data *
- Area Forecast Discussions (US/DE/NL only) **
- Nearby stations group
- Runway display with wind components *
- Runway diagram *
- Use Groups to organise your stations *
- Various settings for formats and units
- Map view
- METAR Widget *
- Data sharing and printing (raw and decoded)
- Calculates pressure altitude and density altitude
- Dark mode user interface *
- Import/Export groups (also from/to iOS versions) *
- Decodes RMK section (US only)
* Single one-time in-app purchase for additional functionality.
** as part of a subscription; available in “unlock additional features”.

Display stations on the map
You can display nearby stations, stations from your main list, or from any group. Basic Metar information can be accessed directly within the map.

Runway list
Display wind components for all runways.

Access airport notams.

Use groups for easier handling of your stations.

Place your favourite stations directly on your home screen.
Runway diagram
Display runway map with wind components.
Advanced Data Subscription
From version 1.7 on additional features which generate recurring operation costs for us will be offered within a subscription.
There’s only one subscription type which goes for one year and starts with a 14-days free trial period. It can be canceled at any time during this period.
The following features are enabled while a subscription is active:
- Dedicated METAR/TAF data sources
- Airport NOTAM access
- D-ATIS for 80 largest US airports
- Area Forecast Discussions (US/DE/NL only)
During an active subscription the ad banner will also be removed.
Please also see our Subscription Terms of Use for more details.
Get weather in your language

AeroWeather for Android is localized in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Spanish.
French by Patrick Scheidegger
Italian by Alberto Antonini, PJ Lansbergen a.k.a. Gran Maestro
Portuguese (Brazilian) by Vinicius Ayres de Araujo (Comanche – 183.599)
Spanish by Alejandro Radina
Luca Giraldi
Erik Jeddere-Fisher
Bill Griffith
Davide Pernici
Tiago Romão
We are committed to provide professional and reliable services, however, AeroWeather for Android is not for operational or navigational use. Do not rely on this application for flight planning. Data decoding might be wrong due to malformatted METAR/TAF. The data presented carries no guarantee whatsoever as to accuracy and/or completeness.
Lakehorn AG will not be liable nor responsible for any resulting damage caused by using this application.
AeroWeather uses weather data from freely available US NOAA, US FAA and other services, which cannot be guaranteed. Costs for AeroWeather are for creation of the apps and backend-services, and not to pay for any weather data. There are no additional charges for freely available weather data sources. There might be in-app purchases for additional weather data for which we have to pay as well.

Get AeroWeather for free today
Requires Android 5.0 or higher. Available as free download.
*One-time in-app purchases for additional functionality.
Feature comparison
Data cache for offline use
Available in 8 languages
Built-in airports database
Map view
Ad free
METAR / TAF from certified ANSP
Airport NOTAMs
Runway display
User groups
Import / Export User Data

More features unlock
One Time Payment
Advanced Data Access Subscription