With the latest release of AeroWeather Pro we have unified the NOTAM layout on AeroWeather Pro and AeroNOTAM.

The two indicators next to the VFR/IFR symbols might not be that well known:
NOTAM Scope (yellow or blue):
The upper indicator’s possible values are A, E, W, K.
W (always in yellow) stands for navigational warning and is usually for FIR NOTAMs. If it’s blue you’ll see E (En-Route Information), A (Aerodrome) or a combination (e.g., AW, AE).
NOTAM Purpose (gray):
The lower indicator’s possible values are N, B, O, M, or combinations.
N = NOTAM selected for the immediate attention to aircraft operators. O = Operationally significant NOTAM. B = NOTAM selected for PIB (Pre-Flight Information Bulletin) entry. M = NOTAM contains miscellaneous information and will not appear in PIB, unless specifically requested.
The value K can appear in both indicators and referrs to a checklist NOTAM.
Last updated: October 11, 2016